Our Davosa brand ambassador Nikolay "Nik" Linder has set himself a special project this year. He wants to swim around Lake Constance. The distance of over 200 kilometers is to be accomplished in a period of 20 days.

To accomplish this task, he uses a waterproof bag that he carries on his back on land and pulls behind him in the water with the help of a flexible line. This bag contains everything he needs to survive. This type of travel is called sea trekking and is usually done in warm seas with great visibility. It's not about swimming alone, but about the 360 degree experience. The coast is discovered both above and below the water.

For Nik, however, this type of travel is not a record, because no one has yet circumnavigated Lake Constance by swimming. He wants to take pictures above and below the water on the tour and thus create a kind of underwater map of the entire shore region. In addition, he will meet experts who will present the importance of Lake Constance as a nature reserve, drinking water reservoir, archaeological site and, of course, as a popular tourist destination. This slow but environmentally friendly way of traveling allows him not only to swim, but occasionally to leave the water for border crossings or to avoid nature reserves and ferry routes.